The Expedition

I had to werk relentlessly yn order to make the overseers approve my expedition

endless meetings, favours, I spent all my family's fortune to make this possible

on the 19th of October 1799 we were finally set and left the walled city for the mysterious fog

unspeakable terrors we saw, nothing of what we knew could describe those horrors. screams and sounds in the middle of the night, cretures, walking in the fog and speaking with our mother's voices

We quickly lost track of space and time, confusing dreams with reality, the food ran out, the water as well - all was lost, and the whole company was on the verge of total madness, some of us disappeared in the fog - but one day, a woman was stading in the middle of the road, speaking with those horros

Visions hit my mind, of a different time, a time when I met her before maybe? I can't describe what happened next

I fell in love, instantly, the last thing I remeber was her face while a voice inside my brain was shouting that she wasn't human - part of me maybe knew that, but i just wanted my wandering in the fog to come to and end.

And still ,here I am now, changed, in something else, something not human, me and my fellow explorers as well, wandering forever in the fog, following the lady of the mist in the eternal swamp of light